How long does a spray tan last?

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In this blog, I’m going to answer the question: how long does a spray tan last. I’m also going to give you some simple and fast tips to prepare for your spray tan, as well as to maintain your spray tan. I have heard that some people can make their spray tan last for up to ten days, but as someone that is very familiar with airbrush tanning, I have never had a tan last for more than seven days. This may have been due to how active I am, or the fact that my skin is on the combination (oily side).

Before you go for your spray tan, here are the steps you should take to ensure perfect, evenly bronzed skin:

  • Shower at least four hours before your spray tan. Exfoliate well to slough off any old, dry skin and leave a beautiful and smooth canvas.

  • Shave, exfoliate, bleach and wax before you spray tan.

  • Wear loose, dark clothing to your spray tan appointment.

  • Don’t moisturize or wear makeup for your tanning session.

After you have your new tan, these are the ways that you can make your sun kissed colorfast and last.

  • Avoid moisture for at least 4 hours. No cleaning, working out or crying (this is not the time to have an argument with your boyfriend or husband).

  • Wait to shower for at least 8 hours after you tan. If you shower sooner, the tan will not have had time to develop.

  • Use fragrance and oil free moisturizer.

  • Stay hydrated. Healthy skin will hold onto your tan better.

  • Avoid tight fitting clothing, or clothing that will rub off your tan.

  • Do not swim in pools or go in hot tubs. The chlorine will remove your tan.

  • Wait to exfoliate until you are ready to lose your tan.

  • Use moisturizer with self tanner in it to keep your tan glowing all week long.

  • Don’t take long hot showers after getting a spray tan.

I hope these spray tan tips and tricks are helpful for you. I have been spray tanning for a long time and I love the results. Here are a few of the tings that I use for my spray tans.

spray tan machine -

spray tan solution - foot protectors -

cap to protect hair -

exfoliating tool -

spray tanning outfit -

moisturizer with self tanner -

Please comment below if you have any questions, or need more info. Stay healthy and beautiful!


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