Growing your business online | Part 1

As many of you know, after my second mold exposure, my life turned upside down. My health took a turn for the worst, and my main focus was to gain my strength and health back again. The chapter of my life as a hair colorist had closed, and I was unsure what my next chapter would be. All I knew was that I loved connecting with people, helping them with what they were going through, and that I was not willing to leave those parts of my career behind. 

Well as it turns out, as I was working through my own health, I came across Lifewave. Little did I know that these Lifewave patches would change my health and become my new passion in life. As I started to wear these patches, I saw the effects they had on my body. My skin improved, my energy increased, and my body continued to feel better. I wanted everyone that I loved to wear them- I wanted to share this gift with them. Without a second thought, I began talking to people about what I had discovered, and how these patches had helped me. 

My initial intention wasn’t to make this my career, but as I continued to share and help people, I became more and more passionate. Not only was I able to help people feel better and more confident, I was able to get to know clients. I would walk through what it’d look like for them to use the patches in their personal situations. Without even realizing it, this career was paving the way for me to use my two passions, helping people and connecting with people. 

Fast forward to today, I am now able to help people in a new way. I  have started to train others on how to share the patches, how to help other people, and continue the cycle of serving others. Because of Lifewave, I can do what I love and help other people who love serving do it as well. Most recently, I have created a Facebook Group to bring together a community  of people who love serving. In this group, I am able to help encourage and teach individuals how to share the patches with others… but we’ll talk more about that in the next blog. :) 

Click here to start wearing X39!

Stay healthy and beautiful! 


Lifewave Brand Partner

DISCLAIMER: This blog may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the blog and allows us to continue to make posts like this. Thank you for the support! LiveWave products are for general wellness and intended to maintain and encourage health. Consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before starting a new health regimen, diet, or fitness program. Do not disregard any medical advice or delay in seeking it.


Growing your business online | Part 2


Crunchi makeup