
  • "I’m 70 years old and since wearing the X39 patch I have more energy, and I’ve stopped taking over the counter pain medicine (I used to take it once a day)."

    - Mike

  • "I’ve had 7 knee surgeries and experienced a great deal of pain from my career as a World Cup ski racer. After wearing the X39 patch for a month, my pain is 50 percent better. I also wake up feeling energetic and full of life."

    - Mark

  • "Since using the patch, The flexibility is amazing! I can actually stand back up from a full squat. I haven't been able to do that for years!"

    - Leslie

  • "I’m rejoicing because my pain level is about a two from a seven.  I don’t feel any pain in my left hip.  When I walk, I can stand up straight from my waist to my shoulders with less pain than before.  I’m just praising God for the healing. I’ve been suffering from this since 2021. I started the X 39 and Aeon Patches on June 6 and today is my 10th day."

    - Coraleen

  • "Brandon’s laberal tear pain in his shoulder is now completely gone!  He’s working out and  lifting weights again. We have nothing else to give credit to. It’s the Patches because I didn’t add anything else in so that I would know where the source of recovery came from."

    - Jen

  • "My two-year hip pain had me in tears after a 40 hour work week.  I got my X39 Patches June 12, 2024.  Three hours after wearing it on my hip, the pain was gone. I am at work right now and I have climbed the stairs seven times already.  The true test. Still no pain. I am in shock!"

    - Dawn

  • "I just wanted to say that I have worked the X 49 patches into my daily routine on top of the X 39 and I think yesterday or the day before was the first day and I literally have so much energy like it's absolutely wild."

    -  Kitty