Avoid these common mistakes when using lifewave patches

Interested in the patches? Email me at Megangrahambeauty@gmail.com or buy Lifewave X39 patches here: https://lifewave.com/2167534/store/products

Last week I talked about a lot of the tips I share with people when they start to wear their Lifewave patches, but I get just as many questions about what not to do. I thought it would be helpful to talk about some common mistakes that can easily be avoided when starting these Lifewave phototherapy patches.

X39 is the main Lifewave patch that is used for people, especially when they are just starting off. People sometimes see how amazing the X39 patch works for them or hear about how much all of the patches do, and want to wear several of them, non-sop. It is important to let your body get used to one or two patches to start off. Each patch should only be worn up to 12 hours, with 12 hours of rest (but can even be worn for a shorter amount of time, if your body needs extra healing and rest). As time goes on, you can learn what your body is working with, what it likes, and layer on patches as you go.

The next mistake I often times see is inconsistent patch wearing. If you aren’t consistently allowing your body to work with the patch on, you won’t be able to see the best results. Build the habit of putting the patch in a place you will see every morning, and commit to wearing it everyday. Good things take time, and although you might feel immediate results, let your body work through what it needs to. All of the benefits of the patch won’t be apparent immediently.

This may seem small, but so many people don’t log their symptoms and take pictures before wearing the Lifewave patches, and as they are wearing the patches. It is such a simple mistake, but it can limit your understanding and knowledge of the patch. Finding what works for your body takes time, but also a dedicated heart to learn. Challenge yourself to note what your symptoms were before wearing the patches, that way you can revisit that list and the photos, month by month to see the progress.

It might be easy to start overlooking your healthy lifestyle and home when you start wearing the Lifewave patches. It is important to support your health with proper nutrition, water intake, habits, fresh air, and a healthy home. Your patches can’t change outside influences so it is important to be fueling your body and maintaining a healthy environment.

I have been guilty of thinking these Lifewave patches were fake, it would have been one of my biggest mistakes if I simply wrote these Lifewave patches off as a scam. I had heard about them numerous times, but was feeling pretty skeptical- it seemed too good to be true. Finally, my best friend told me about them, she told me how they had changed her life, and I could see it myself. She isn’t an active Brand Partner, but just having someone I trusted show me how they worked allowed me to have the confidence to take the leap. I am so thankful I did, because not only have I seen the patches change my life, but now I can help others in the same way.

I know it can be scary to start something new, believe me, I have been there. What I can say is that I have been able to figure out how these patches work. I have been wearing them this past year, I have done my research, and I have learned from the experts. What I had to learn on my own, I am now able to share with others! I am so thankful that Lifewave has given me the opportunity to be able to help each one of you. If you would like me to walk with you in your patch journey, I would love to be your Lifewave Brand Partner! Please feel free to email me at MeganGrahamBeauty@gmail.com with any questions.

Click here to shop for X39 patches.

Stay healthy and beautiful! 


Lifewave Brand Partner

DISCLAIMER: This blog may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the blog and allows us to continue to make posts like this. Thank you for the support! LiveWave products are for general wellness and intended to maintain and encourage health. Consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before starting a new health regimen, diet, or fitness program. Do not disregard any medical advice or delay in seeking it.


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