Tips for getting started with Lifewave Patches

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Attaining health and vitality can be intimidating subjects- due to their complexity, they are often interpreted as impossible to understand or attain in someone’s personal life. Thankfully, the Lifewave patches were designed in a way that supports you, as you begin wearing the patches. Our bodies were designed to work on their own clock, therefore that usually takes a little bit of time. Lifewave technology is perfect for newcomers, as you don’t have to be an expert in order to start. I want to go over a few tips for starting the patches, that can be the foundation to your patch journey. I also made a Youtube video explaining all of this, and I will link it at the end of this blog.

The first tip being, take pictures! I know it sounds a little silly and simple, but it is so important to take pictures of your progress. Although you might not be starting the patches for visible reasons (skin, wounds, hair, etc.), these patches will change you from the inside-out. Take pictures before you start using the patches and after each month. It is hard to see the progress our bodies make when we see ourselves each day, but it will be so nice to look back on.

Secondly, stay hydrated! The patches work so well with your body, but it is important to stay hydrated and fuel your body to be able to work. Maintaining your healthy lifestyle and hydration habits are still important when using the patches.

Number three is to always start with the X39 patch. Keep it simple for yourself, this patch does a lot across the board so don’t feel like you have to wear all of the patches right off the bat. The next tip (and patch) would be Aeon. When you are ready to add another patch, this one is perfect. It helps manage and support healthy levels of inflammation.

This tip is one I get a lot of questions on. It is all about pace. When it comes to patches, go at your body’s pace. Don’t wear the patch for more than 12 hours, rather give your body rest for the next 12 hours after wearing the patches. If you are detoxing then you can go slower, your body is working extra hard and you can wear the patch for just 6 hours even. I even take the patches off on Sundays, to give my body a little rest. It is not required, but I just find that my body loves that day of rest.

Next up is being consistent. Although you might not be wearing the patches 12 hours everyday, it is important to be consistent with what you have decided. Commit to remembering, commit to wearing them for longer than a week. Although some people feel results immediently after putting the patch on, most things take a few weeks, to a few months. The patches will continue to aid your body as the months continue, so commit to seeing your most healthy self.

Lastly, it is suggested that for every decade of age that you are, you give the patches about that many months to see results. For instance, if you’re 40, give the Lifewave patches 4 months to see many of the changes. Personally, I have been using the patches for eight months, but don’t see myself stopping because I am constantly seeing how they are helping my body.

I hope this blog gave you some insight and encouragement! You got this, I am so excited to hear about all of your body’s amazing work!

Click here to start wearing X39 patches yourself!

Stay healthy and beautiful! 


Lifewave Brand Partner

DISCLAIMER: This blog may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the blog and allows us to continue to make posts like this. Thank you for the support! LiveWave products are for general wellness and intended to maintain and encourage health. Consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before starting a new health regimen, diet, or fitness program. Do not disregard any medical advice or delay in seeking it.


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